by Melody Zinndel
There is question as to Obama’s complicity at some levels with the elite and largely unknown powers behind the world scenes that have a secret agenda towards “globalization” through a world banking system and government. The primary dangers of this type of centralization include increased control in the hands of the few, with diminished freedoms to live our lives as we choose for the many. There is also the small fact that this is being done secretly, largely very illegally and immorally, with no regard for the lives of individual human beings. But these are all subjects for a later date.
What follows is a general analysis of how Obama’s chart reflects the potential for getting involved in this level of operating. The level of complicity I’m referring to would either have to come from someone who was on a completely different page than he is presenting, or in some way controlled by “the powers that be”. This level of control generally comes from things like blackmail, brainwashing and mind control. So, regardless of just who Obama really is and what his intentions are, let’s see how these ideas might be reflected his chart.
I am suggesting with my analysis that currently Obama is still working in the web of previous conditionings, which are related to a strong lineage with the world elite power structure. It is also possible that the egg is cracking and he is an archetype of our general deconditioning process at this time.
This past life lineage can be seen with the South Node in Aquarius, the classical ruler Saturn in Capricorn retrograde in the 12th house conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius retrograde, with the modern ruler and ruler of his chart with an Aquarius rising, Uranus, conjunct the North Node in Leo.
Leo is indeed the King, but the Aquarius emphasis is what implies the elite standard that is above most of the human race. We can have the king of a tribe in the Amazon, or we can have a member of the elite ruling class that feels they are both more enlightened and privileged than the rest. That is Aquarius on one level.
The 12th house is the ending of a cycle and thus, with the gifts that come from journeying through one cycle in all the different areas of human experience, here we sit with where we have come from as we prepare for another go round the spiral of ever circling existence. With this ending we have a yet deeper ability to tune into and understand mass consciousness, which is why so many leaders and other iconic figures have planets in this house. With Capricorn on the 12th house cusp, we see glimpses of the disillusionment (Neptune / 12th house) that comes at different points in one’s life with the archetype of authority, beginning with father to teachers and school, church and religion, and government. Jupiter in Aquarius amplifies the possible innate idealism of the structure and the idea that “those in charge are going to do the right thing” or some variation on that theme, while Saturn in Capricorn reinforces the inherent focus and seriousness in this area. Both planets retrograde along with Capricorn on the cusp imply not just a disillusionment but a need to review, relook at what one’s ideas about the nature and structure of reality as well as the social structure and those in power -- and then perhaps to decondition oneself into a new way of understanding.
If Obama finds these ideas to be true in his life, I’m sure they’ve come in many ways beyond what we all know about his father. And because of the strength of these symbols, I do wonder if he will experience some disillusionment at some point with those white haired older white men who are entrenched in the failing and immoral system but who surround him in the background as mentors and support (such as Brzenski and Soros).
Dare I say handlers? That would imply a deep level of conditioning and brainwashing that is still intact at this point. If this is true, we can easily see the chart potential. The archetype of Saturn and Capricorn is very tied into our conditionings through our parents, teachers and society as a whole. Jupiter, Sagittarius and the 9th house add the element of our higher education, beliefs and philosophies. First, we see with the Jupiter in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in the 12th house the idea of enlightened ideas about how things should go that runs very deep, perhaps ending a cycle so that a new one can come in. But Obama came in tied to the old paradigm from an elite perspective, partly buried in his unconscious even to himself. That said, the tendencies for his Aquarius South Node in the 1st house could be to come in with past life learned tendencies of focusing mostly on himself with a pride for being unique and different, bringing with it the ability to go beyond societal traditional rules for rules he sets up for himself.
This is also potentially underscored with the asteroid Lucifer conjunct his Sun which highlights the “me syndrome” or “what is going to benefit me”. In some cases, this signature can develop into the Zarathustra complex as developed by Neitzche, the idea of being super human. With any signature in a chart we all manifest some of the good and some of the not so good. So, although I have no doubt that Obama brings a certain strength and light, especially in the area of humanitarian efforts, there is also the real possibly of the delusion of self-grandeur, to think one is larger and more important than one is and that everything is meant to serve your purpose.
Red and black are commonly used colors in combination with preconditioning and mind control techniques. Rudloph Steiner would roll over in his grave at the sight of young girls dressed in red and black.
As I understand it, one cannot be conditioned heavily, brainwashed or mind controlled unless the personality has the innate tendencies to accommodate it. And so, clearly the pride in this chart would be tempted to doing what one had to if the prize were big enough. And yet, there is another part of the chart that shows the self-doubt and wounding/victimization that can come with the Virgo / Pisces polarity. We know that Brzenski had been grooming Obama long before the rest of us knew he existed, and in 2004 when George Soros was heavily contributing to the Democratic Party, Obama was the only candidate he visited even though he was a relatively unknown Illinois senator at the time. This is a curious thing and makes me wonder just how far back he was “picked out”.
Obama signs his first bill, the lily lefbetter act surrounded by Lily Ledbetter herself as well as other senators who all decided to wear red that day.
It would be a plausible scenario that this went back from birth and the loss of a strong father figure, moving around, looking for the “father archetype” replacement etc. would be part of the background set up for early mind control. This sounds radical if you are not familiar with how these people patiently work over decades with those they use to move their agendas forward, so at this point you may laugh me off the blog, but with mind-controlled icons and superstars, there is often the situation of being born into a poor or unknown family, with the concurrent “rags to riches” story, which also shows up with the South Node in Aquarius, while at the same time showing the strong sense of “destiny”.
Chiron in Pisces in the 1st house is a deep and early wound to one’s sense of self, which feels completely cut off from Divine Source and may wonder what value they have to even being born. Chiron is the wounded healer archetype, so the gift in this wound is the person who embodies healing qualities with their strong connection to their Higher Self. However, generally we have everyone seeing the potential and waiting around for it to happen. When it happens it will be obvious. He will be preaching love and peace, not sending more troops to be killed in the ongoing wars.
Another aspect of vulnerability is seen with the same Lucifer in Leo conjunct the Sun, but in the 6th house. This can also bring the idea that “something is wrong with me” and all the related guilt, shame and self-doubt that comes with the Virgo archetype. Jeffrey Wolf Green says that typically, the Lucifer / Virgo archetype would have for many lifetimes set up a structural reality in their consciousness defined by the illusive idea of what is right or wrong or perfect. These magnificent ideals and morals can also be seen in the 12th house Saturn in Capricorn with Jupiter, but how can one live up to such high ideas? Perfection or superman is an illusion, and the guilt of being worthless is reinforced. Obama’s Mars in Virgo in the 8th can add a strong ability to continue to improve oneself through deep analysis, but can also accentuate the drive for becoming more perfect through occult associations.
Along with the inherent vulnerability, pride and past life lineage that we’ve already discusses as elements of potential conditioning, or at worst mind control, Neptune in Scorpio in the 9th house is a signature that is particular vulnerable to brainwashing/mind control both on the giving and receiving end. This Neptune is trine to the wounded healer archetype of Chiron in the 1st and sextile Obama’s Pluto in the 7th. The brainwashing has easy and graceful access through these chinks in the personality structure. Pluto in the 7th house along with the North Node/Uranus conjunction is the soul’s evolutionary desire to learn how to live life fully and creatively (vs. in a detached manner) embracing partnership (vs. being an inherent loner) in an equal (7th/Libra) way (vs. controlling or being controlled). However, we are learning these North Node lessons even on our death bed, and where Pluto lies, the fears that come from having to push the limits of our security toward metamorphic growth will always bring crisis. With this signature, partnerships bring inequalities of dominance and submissiveness, the Pluto person being the dominant one or – being the alter ego of another. This is an arena of huge power control and manipulation, and partnerships include “business” – which would be those powerful figures in Obama’s shadowy background.

Another strong characteristic of the 7th house is the idea of projection. The 1st/7th house axis is that of “self and other” and with an emphasis in the 7th, it is very common to project onto others or have others project onto you. So, Obama could project wrongly onto his partners or, as we have clearly seen, he is a magnet for other people’s projections. He is the perfect archetype of World Citizen and the question of his US citizenship has yet to go away. His nebulous nationality identification is underscored with his culturally diverse upbringing, the fact that he brings different races together (he is both black and white), different religions (Muslim and Christian) and even different sexual orientations (possible bisexual). If he weren’t superman, he would be everyman.
As an archetype Obama, is leading the way towards Unity, but to what end and will the end justify the means? More and more information is cracking the conditions of our collective consciousness. If he is indeed a pawn in the bigger game, it is only because he has inherently powerful energy that has been carefully groomed towards ends that he may or may not be aware of, or continue on with. If Obama breaks out of his own trance, there is the potential for the archetypal energies of revolutionary change and healing flowing through him. The high side of his chart includes the opportunity for light and truth to radiate from the core of his being, a shining light for all. What we want to see may be the echoes of what he is to become, but again, his actions speak louder than words and at this point I am not seeing the potential “bearer of light”.
What follows is a general analysis of how Obama’s chart reflects the potential for getting involved in this level of operating. The level of complicity I’m referring to would either have to come from someone who was on a completely different page than he is presenting, or in some way controlled by “the powers that be”. This level of control generally comes from things like blackmail, brainwashing and mind control. So, regardless of just who Obama really is and what his intentions are, let’s see how these ideas might be reflected his chart.

This past life lineage can be seen with the South Node in Aquarius, the classical ruler Saturn in Capricorn retrograde in the 12th house conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius retrograde, with the modern ruler and ruler of his chart with an Aquarius rising, Uranus, conjunct the North Node in Leo.
Leo is indeed the King, but the Aquarius emphasis is what implies the elite standard that is above most of the human race. We can have the king of a tribe in the Amazon, or we can have a member of the elite ruling class that feels they are both more enlightened and privileged than the rest. That is Aquarius on one level.
The 12th house is the ending of a cycle and thus, with the gifts that come from journeying through one cycle in all the different areas of human experience, here we sit with where we have come from as we prepare for another go round the spiral of ever circling existence. With this ending we have a yet deeper ability to tune into and understand mass consciousness, which is why so many leaders and other iconic figures have planets in this house. With Capricorn on the 12th house cusp, we see glimpses of the disillusionment (Neptune / 12th house) that comes at different points in one’s life with the archetype of authority, beginning with father to teachers and school, church and religion, and government. Jupiter in Aquarius amplifies the possible innate idealism of the structure and the idea that “those in charge are going to do the right thing” or some variation on that theme, while Saturn in Capricorn reinforces the inherent focus and seriousness in this area. Both planets retrograde along with Capricorn on the cusp imply not just a disillusionment but a need to review, relook at what one’s ideas about the nature and structure of reality as well as the social structure and those in power -- and then perhaps to decondition oneself into a new way of understanding.
If Obama finds these ideas to be true in his life, I’m sure they’ve come in many ways beyond what we all know about his father. And because of the strength of these symbols, I do wonder if he will experience some disillusionment at some point with those white haired older white men who are entrenched in the failing and immoral system but who surround him in the background as mentors and support (such as Brzenski and Soros).
Dare I say handlers? That would imply a deep level of conditioning and brainwashing that is still intact at this point. If this is true, we can easily see the chart potential. The archetype of Saturn and Capricorn is very tied into our conditionings through our parents, teachers and society as a whole. Jupiter, Sagittarius and the 9th house add the element of our higher education, beliefs and philosophies. First, we see with the Jupiter in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in the 12th house the idea of enlightened ideas about how things should go that runs very deep, perhaps ending a cycle so that a new one can come in. But Obama came in tied to the old paradigm from an elite perspective, partly buried in his unconscious even to himself. That said, the tendencies for his Aquarius South Node in the 1st house could be to come in with past life learned tendencies of focusing mostly on himself with a pride for being unique and different, bringing with it the ability to go beyond societal traditional rules for rules he sets up for himself.

As I understand it, one cannot be conditioned heavily, brainwashed or mind controlled unless the personality has the innate tendencies to accommodate it. And so, clearly the pride in this chart would be tempted to doing what one had to if the prize were big enough. And yet, there is another part of the chart that shows the self-doubt and wounding/victimization that can come with the Virgo / Pisces polarity. We know that Brzenski had been grooming Obama long before the rest of us knew he existed, and in 2004 when George Soros was heavily contributing to the Democratic Party, Obama was the only candidate he visited even though he was a relatively unknown Illinois senator at the time. This is a curious thing and makes me wonder just how far back he was “picked out”.

It would be a plausible scenario that this went back from birth and the loss of a strong father figure, moving around, looking for the “father archetype” replacement etc. would be part of the background set up for early mind control. This sounds radical if you are not familiar with how these people patiently work over decades with those they use to move their agendas forward, so at this point you may laugh me off the blog, but with mind-controlled icons and superstars, there is often the situation of being born into a poor or unknown family, with the concurrent “rags to riches” story, which also shows up with the South Node in Aquarius, while at the same time showing the strong sense of “destiny”.
Chiron in Pisces in the 1st house is a deep and early wound to one’s sense of self, which feels completely cut off from Divine Source and may wonder what value they have to even being born. Chiron is the wounded healer archetype, so the gift in this wound is the person who embodies healing qualities with their strong connection to their Higher Self. However, generally we have everyone seeing the potential and waiting around for it to happen. When it happens it will be obvious. He will be preaching love and peace, not sending more troops to be killed in the ongoing wars.
Another aspect of vulnerability is seen with the same Lucifer in Leo conjunct the Sun, but in the 6th house. This can also bring the idea that “something is wrong with me” and all the related guilt, shame and self-doubt that comes with the Virgo archetype. Jeffrey Wolf Green says that typically, the Lucifer / Virgo archetype would have for many lifetimes set up a structural reality in their consciousness defined by the illusive idea of what is right or wrong or perfect. These magnificent ideals and morals can also be seen in the 12th house Saturn in Capricorn with Jupiter, but how can one live up to such high ideas? Perfection or superman is an illusion, and the guilt of being worthless is reinforced. Obama’s Mars in Virgo in the 8th can add a strong ability to continue to improve oneself through deep analysis, but can also accentuate the drive for becoming more perfect through occult associations.
Along with the inherent vulnerability, pride and past life lineage that we’ve already discusses as elements of potential conditioning, or at worst mind control, Neptune in Scorpio in the 9th house is a signature that is particular vulnerable to brainwashing/mind control both on the giving and receiving end. This Neptune is trine to the wounded healer archetype of Chiron in the 1st and sextile Obama’s Pluto in the 7th. The brainwashing has easy and graceful access through these chinks in the personality structure. Pluto in the 7th house along with the North Node/Uranus conjunction is the soul’s evolutionary desire to learn how to live life fully and creatively (vs. in a detached manner) embracing partnership (vs. being an inherent loner) in an equal (7th/Libra) way (vs. controlling or being controlled). However, we are learning these North Node lessons even on our death bed, and where Pluto lies, the fears that come from having to push the limits of our security toward metamorphic growth will always bring crisis. With this signature, partnerships bring inequalities of dominance and submissiveness, the Pluto person being the dominant one or – being the alter ego of another. This is an arena of huge power control and manipulation, and partnerships include “business” – which would be those powerful figures in Obama’s shadowy background.

Another strong characteristic of the 7th house is the idea of projection. The 1st/7th house axis is that of “self and other” and with an emphasis in the 7th, it is very common to project onto others or have others project onto you. So, Obama could project wrongly onto his partners or, as we have clearly seen, he is a magnet for other people’s projections. He is the perfect archetype of World Citizen and the question of his US citizenship has yet to go away. His nebulous nationality identification is underscored with his culturally diverse upbringing, the fact that he brings different races together (he is both black and white), different religions (Muslim and Christian) and even different sexual orientations (possible bisexual). If he weren’t superman, he would be everyman.
As an archetype Obama, is leading the way towards Unity, but to what end and will the end justify the means? More and more information is cracking the conditions of our collective consciousness. If he is indeed a pawn in the bigger game, it is only because he has inherently powerful energy that has been carefully groomed towards ends that he may or may not be aware of, or continue on with. If Obama breaks out of his own trance, there is the potential for the archetypal energies of revolutionary change and healing flowing through him. The high side of his chart includes the opportunity for light and truth to radiate from the core of his being, a shining light for all. What we want to see may be the echoes of what he is to become, but again, his actions speak louder than words and at this point I am not seeing the potential “bearer of light”.
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