Will our constitutional rights to Freedom of Speech soon be a thing of the past? Will the Internet be commandeered by the US Government? Will mass shootings, perpetrated by allegedly mentally ill gunmen (whom many believe to be Manchurian Candidates), ‘force’ the government to enact Marshall Law? One recent ‘conspiracy theory’ goes that the government wants to take away our ‘guaranteed’ rights to Freedom of Speech by means of censorship, or prohibiting the dissemination of what they consider ‘conspiracy theories’ over the Internet. But how much of a conspiracy theory can it be, when one of the leaders of the Alternative Press, Alex Jones of Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, is being blamed for the rampage that left 3 policemen dead in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania on April 4, 2009, when the basis for the offending article actually appeared on the government’s official Army Times website? While there is no doubt that legitimate killing sprees are taking place, due to the way the mass shootings of the last month or so have transpired, just about everyone has wondered whether these situations are real or a construct intended to gradually and covertly take away what few rights we still possess.
According to ‘conspiracy theorist’ David Icke’s ‘Problem, Reaction, Solution,’ method, it works this way:
Problem – the government has a problem that they want to solve, i.e.: Constitutional freedoms that afford the People the right to bear arms and speak out against the government, so the government creates one or several generally fatal scenarios in order to elicit a mass reaction.
Reaction – numerous mass slayings take place, and then the Public screams for protection and more restrictive gun laws, then
Solution – the government swoops in to provide the ‘demanded’ protection in the guise of severely curtailed personal freedoms and civil rights and thereby institute Marshall Law.
Hey, says the government, you
did ask for it. If it’s true, it gives new meaning to the saying ‘be careful what you ask for.’
Another controversial ‘theory’ is: that the government is erecting detention centers or concentration camps in order to restrain or eliminate those Americans who resist the New World Order takeover. But are these centers really being built? Or is this, too, merely a conspiracy theory? Obviously, FEMA (the governmental agency supposedly charged with building/running the camps) is not going to admit that these rumors are true even if they are, nor that hundreds of thousands of
railroad boxcars with hand and ankle shackles have been constructed, allegedly by Gunderson Steel Fabrication out of Portland, Oregon, to transport ‘enemies of the state’ to what many are saying will be their final destination. And yet, one can’t help but wonder: if it’s true that boxcars with shackles are being constructed, what is their purpose? Does the government plan on transporting the nation’s prison population somewhere? If so, why and where? And if these shackled boxcars aren’t for our prison population, then for whom are they intended?
Conspiracy theory or not, all of the above was ‘confirmed’ by professed Christian investigative journalist,
Pamela Schuffert, on March 16, 2009 on the Military.com forums. Granted, while mere words, photographs and video can be faked, it’s difficult to buck the acknowledgement of a presidential candidate.
Chuck Baldwin, Constitutional Party Presidential Candidate in 2008 stated in an
interview on CSPAN last year, that he had heard the reports regarding FEMA’s construction and staffing of
detention camps, and while not directly acknowledging that the camps existed, admitted that he was alarmed at the role that the US government was playing in turning our society into a police state. This, in itself, still doesn’t prove that FEMA or anyone else has constructed anything resembling a
detention or concentration camp. Yet, the persistent rumors, photographs, video documentation and ‘eye witness testimony’ make it difficult to completely discount.
Then there is the theory of the
Manchurian Candidate. This theory claims that the government has been grooming young, loner-type individuals possibly as far back as Lee Harvey Oswald to be, at the least, scapegoats, and at the worst, mass murderers. The Manchurian Candidate scenario involves
mind control techniques that have allegedly created such killers as
Sirhan Sirhan,
Charles Manson, James Earl Ray, Mark David Chapman, John Hinkley, Jr., the Columbine shooters,
Richard Poplawski and others. (See also
CIA Mind Control Experiments).
The standard FBI-type profile for these shooters indicates that the majority of them are or have:
Ø ex-military
Ø a young, unwed male
Ø Living alone or with mother/parents
Ø a history of domestic violence/arrests
Ø a ‘secret’ history of consulting a therapist that only comes to light after the shootings/violence but of which friends and family were never aware Ø Friends and family who are shocked at their violent behavior, claiming “he was such a nice guy”
In the case of Richard Poplawski, the shooter involved in the Pittsburg, Pennsylvania shooting, at the time of the killings there was also a rally being held at
“Heinz Field calling for peace in some of the city’s more violent neighborhoods.”Is it just a coincidence that this rally was held at the time Poplawski shot the officers? Obviously the attendees were already agitated enough about the violence in their neighborhoods, that upon hearing of the three slain officers, they, no doubt, called for stricter gun control laws,
immediately. And the government, of course, is only too happy to oblige.
Could it be that the slaying of the three officers was one in a series of events that are part of a set-up leading to the declaration of Marshall Law? Could the attendees of the above referenced rally – and we – be playing right into the government’s covertly outstretched hands?
According to various news stories, the offending article that catalyzed shooter Richard Poplawski in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania on April 4th, was written by Paul Joseph Watson, a contributing writer for Alex Jones’ PrisonPlanet.com, and is entitled
U.S. Troops In Homeland “Crowd Control” Patrols From October 1st. The article, which appeared on September 24, 2008, was actually taken from information appearing in an article entitled
Brigade Homeland Tours Start October 1, on the Army Times website, an official United States Government/Army publication. According to the article,
“Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks…[
T]his new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities… [emphasis added]
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack. The 1st BCT’s soldiers also will learn how to use “the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded,” 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them…. The package is for use only in war-zone operations, not for any domestic purpose”.
So, if the ‘package’ isn’t for use for ‘any domestic purpose,’ but it is scheduled to be used here in the United States, does that mean that the setting (our residential neighborhoods?) for the Army’s use of force now constitutes a ‘war zone’? And what could the Army (our government) really be expecting? At the least they seem to be expecting ‘horrific scenarios’ and ‘massive poisoning.’ And they anticipated this more than likely several months – if not years – before the September, 2008 date of the above article which appeared in the Army Times.
Again, according to the above Army Times article,
“The package includes equipment to stand up a hasty road block; spike strips for slowing, stopping or controlling traffic; shields and batons; and, beanbag bullets.”
Sounds a bit like a ‘war zone’ response to me. But why? Does the government really expect that much unrule after the economic collapse? Will the aftermath of the collapse be worse than, say, what happened after the 1929 stock market crash and the ensuing nation-wide depression?
So why the crowd control equipment? And if it’s true that the government expects the populace to rebel to the point that crowd control equipment and ‘non-lethal’ weapons are necessary, why wouldn’t the government also prepare the detention camps that we’ve been told by Fox News are just a figment of our collective imaginations?
From the gist of their own words, it certainly seems as though they’re not only expecting something ‘horrific’ to occur, but is it possible that this is something that they had planned all along?
The fact that this battalion is going to have a permanent duty station in Colorado Springs, Colorado, not too far away from the alleged new national capital of the US/New World Order movement in Denver, may be telling. Or not. But it’s certainly noteworthy.
Additionally, assisting the new permanently re-located Army NorthCom unit are:
T]he Marine Corps Chemical, Biological Initial Reaction Force, a Navy weather team and members of the Defense Logistics Agency and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.” [emphasis added]
Of course, all this
looks legitimate, but legitimate for what? What is really going on here? What, exactly, is a ‘
Biological Initial Reaction Force’? Could it have anything to do with
biological warfare? Is the government anticipating some viral threat, as in Avian Bird Flu? And why the
Defense Threat Reduction Agency? This seems like quite a bit of ado about nothing. Unless the government has something in mind of which its citizens are not aware. Something which we might all have extreme difficulty accepting; even a majority of our soldiers who function in a compartmentalized or on a need-to-know basis, and who more than likely have no idea of what our government may be planning. Though,
according to their own admission, there are many soldiers and veterans who are well aware of at least one aspect of the government’s intentions, and want no part of their plan.
Another question that comes to mind is: Unless there was some well-thought-out plan already in place (possibly with the aid of astrology and many extremely insightful individuals who are able to anticipate human emotion/interaction/reactions), how could the government anticipate the need to permanently relocate an entire battalion of soldiers unless this was part of a pre-conceived plan all along? While this may seem obvious, the fact is, it isn’t. The military, in particular, is notorious for dragging their feet and taking an inordinate amount of time just to
think about what needs to be done, not to mention actually getting it done. And the Army lags behind the other services in this regard. So it stands to reason that if all of this is actually happening, it had to have been a well (for the most part!) thought out, strategic plan.
* * * * *
After reading Watson’s article on Prison Planet.com, then reading the Army Times article and back to the original ‘offending’ Prison Planet article, I noted how very similar the articles are. The majority of the information provided in Watson’s article was taken directly (though reworded) from the article in the Army Times article. In other words, Watson was merely reporting on what the Army published through the Army Times. And after reading the article myself, it was obvious that anyone who utilizes critical thinking, would come away from either article feeling some concern over just what the government plans to do.
In another article entitled
Did Paranoid Right-wing Media Fuel the Pittsburg Cop Killer’s Rage? by journalist Max Blumenthal of The Daily Beast, Blumenthal quotes writer David Neiwert, author of the forthcoming book,
Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right"It's always been a problem when major league demagogues start promulgating false information for political gain," Neiwert told me. "What it does is unhinge fringe players from reality and dislodges them even further. When someone like Poplawski hears Glenn Beck touting One World Government and they're gonna take your gun theories, they believe then that it must be true. And that's when they really become crazy."
So then, why would Glenn Beck or anyone else in the mainstream media, say something that might unhinge the so-called ‘fringe players’ if they were aware of what it might do?
No doubt many good citizens thought much the same when Hitler charismatically hypnotized the masses with his lies in Nazi Germany before and during the early years of World War 2.
And while what Neiwert is saying may be true to an extent, what he isn’t saying is that the same goes for the so-called conspiracy theorist debunkers such as Fox News’ cohort Glenn Beck. Since Beck, an obvious radical himself, actually works to
debunk conspiracy theories, in the process he’s not only brought them to mainstream attention, but he’s fanning the left-wing, fundamentalist incendiary rhetoric.
Is it possible that Beck and other debunkers
use specific phrases in their tirades against the conspiracy theorists while on-air that might conceivably trigger the next Manchurian Candidate? Far-fetched, you say? Based on evidence provided by whistle-blowers such as
Cathy O’Brien, sworn testimony of the veracity of the MK Ultra/Project Monarch program from former government agent Mark Phillips and others, maybe not so far-fetched as one might believe.
Neiwert’s piece might be believable if it weren’t for the fact that it’s difficult to tell the difference between mainstream politicians and conspiracy theorists when it comes to “promulgating false information for political gain.” Guess you’ll just have to decide for yourself on that one. And the fact that the gun laws have become stricter and probably soon to be even more restricted based on the current government comments and actions, seems in little doubt.
Another interesting rumor has surfaced (though not verified as of this writing), is that several mega-corporations have bought or are buying up munitions manufacturing companies. Whether or not this is true, I can’t yet verify.
As for Poplawski, according to Slate.com’s, Dennis B. Roddy, in an article entitled
An Accused Cop Killer's Politics; Richard Poplawski's online trail leads neither far right nor far left. It's just confused, and based on an investigation into various networking accounts Poplawski maintained with sites such as MySpace, it seems (from the information provided by Poplawski) that he may not have been as extremist as he was accused of being. In fact, in Poplawski’s account with Stumbleupon, there was information on "…how to reprogram your subconscious, a Meyer-Briggs [sic] personality test, and a psychotherapy chart.” Although many people have a passing interest in psychology, not everyone takes the time to learn about or take a Myers-Briggs personality test, know anything about how to reprogram the subconscious or have a psychotherapy chart. And if they do, generally they’ve also taken the time to see a therapist. If that’s the case, the trail may very well lead to a more sinister conclusion than the government is leading us to believe.
And what about the Internet? Are PrisonPlanet.com/Infowars.com and other conspiracy theory sites really the problem? Are these sites truly fanning the flames of the ‘right-wing unhinged nuts’ that eventually turn ‘rogue’? Or is this just an excuse to restrict everyone’s Internet access?
Is the Internet the Government’s Next Target?Some conspiracy theories claim that the government’s next step is to control the information that is disseminated through the Internet. Based on the latest article in the Washington Post,
Extremist Web Sites are Using US Hosts, one wonders just how long it’s going to be before the government clamps down, not only on conspiracy theories on the web, but on anything that offends government sensibilities, whether it actually does or not.
It’s difficult to believe that terrorists with any sense would flaut the US government’s threats to ‘hunt them down like dogs,’ and then proceed to utilize a US-based hosting company for the dissemination of extremely controversial, not to mention illegal, information. Especially knowing how ‘technologically advanced’ the US is. Most hosting companies require that the Terms of Service – which include the stipulation that termination of services will be imminent if it is determined that illegal activities are being conducted through the site – be read and agreed to. It seems that it would be just as easy to set up a web site in one’s own country, or for those who currently reside in the US, to access a site set up in another country, if they truly were intent on evading US prying eyes.
As for the issue of it being too easy to lie about one’s identity when setting these websites up, unless the rigorous interrogation most American citizens receive when applying for a credit card, which is generally necessary to pay for a website, isn’t enough, it’s difficult to fathom to what they’re referring. Since social security numbers, Federal Employer Identification numbers, birthdates, and mother’s maiden names no longer suffice, what else could possibly be supplied to identify oneself to the US government’s satisfaction? A national identity card?
The article goes on to say that a “senior Pakistani official” has repeatedly requested that Washington shut down the offending websites, though their requests have gone “unheeded.” Says the anonymous Pakistani spokesperson, “Pakistani intelligence experts are convinced that Washington prefers to keep the site running for intelligence purposes.” And what might those ‘intelligence purposes’ be?
As mentioned previously, in spite of this so-called ‘evidence,’ could it be possible that the government is covertly circulating these stories themselves, just to create the mass hysteria they need to enact the programs they feel will keep the nation firmly under their control?
Even the
foreign media, it seems, has gotten wind of a recently released, supposedly ‘classified’
document, which – according to its own label – wasn’t truly classified at all. In one of the new administration’s promises to make everything the government now does, transparent, regardless, there seems to be some degree of subterfuge going on here in spite of all the assurances. Either this administration is truly transparent, or it’s all just a farce to make us believe that they’re following through on their campaign promises.
So much for our
Freedom of Speech. Poof! There it goes. Along with all the other rights we’ve given up in order to allow our government to make us feel more secure.
In view of all that’s transpired over the last several months, in particular, is it possible that current astrological configurations might be contributing to this spate of violence and seeming governmental duplicity?
Astrological Configurations of Violence & DeceptionGeneral astrological transits can affect each of us differently. The transits from early February, 2009 until present have been no exception. There are two transits, in particular, which might very likely have a challenging affect on just about everyone, some to a greater degree than others, and for some the affect is personal (depending on how the transiting planets aspect their natal charts), while with others it may just be a backlash from the aftermath of someone else’s transit.
Saturn Opposition UranusThe first transit involves Saturn opposition Uranus, which actually began its exact transiting period on November 4, 2008, and then was once more exact on February 5/6, 2009. Both of the planets meanings are shown below:
Saturn = authority, structure, discipline, restriction, fear, separation, limitations, challenges, old
Uranus = radical change, rebellion, perversion, idealism, freedom, genius, new
When these two planets oppose each other, they are polarized; each finds it difficult to see things in any other way than what they prefer. Saturn, in particular, is loath to change anything that differs from the status quo, while Uranus loves to shake things up and often wants change for the sake of change. However, in this particular transit – especially (as of this writing) with three key planets (Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune) and the North Node of the Moon in Aquarius, society, as a group (an aspect of Aquarius, which rules Uranus) wishes to see change, as well. The group wants freedom from the old way of doing things, which as far as they can see (and rightly so) just hasn’t worked, and has actually been harmful in many ways.
This aspect affects and effects governments (authority) who want to keep things as much to their advantage as possible (the old), while the world as a whole wants change (new) for the better. What this signifies on a planetary level is that Saturn will continue to foment covert fear and exert restriction (what The Powers That Be consider ‘structure’), while Uranus wants freedom from the shackles of this old, outdated system and will rebel.
Additionally, with Saturn in Virgo and in opposition to Uranus in Pisces, the quality of Virgo also attempts to keep the status quo as organized, practical, ‘perfect,’ and methodical as it can. No rocking the boat here. At least overtly. But Pisces sees things differently (as only Pisces can do). Pisces has a dream: almost like Aquarius and Libra, it envisions compassion and equality for everyone. Unfortunately, the problem with Pisces is that like Aquarius it is also idealistic, often illusionary (or delusionary, depending on how one looks at it), and what it sees can be a figment of its overactive imagination. It’s not that ‘new’ can’t happen, just usually not in exactly the way Pisces envisions it. And because this is the case, there may very well be many who envision a type of future independent of the current governmental ruling paradigm that itself is not tenable.
Retrograde Venus in Aries square retrograde Pluto in CapricornThe second transit involves retrograde Venus in Aries (which moved into retrograde on March 7, and stationed direct on April 17) square or at a challenging aspect to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. With Venus (security, values) also in Aries, the tendency is to want to be free of anything that is constricting/restricting, especially an old, outmoded system that no longer benefits the majority of the planet.
Pluto in Capricorn, however, represents the deep transformation or revamping of the old. What’s interesting here, is that since Pluto has an orbit of approximately 248 years, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn and the world experienced this desire for change was several years before a small group of individuals broke off from Britain and elected to set up their own country with its new governmental system – here in the United States.
Although Capricorn represents practicality, structure and industriousness, with several major planets currently in Aquarius (Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune and the North Node of the Moon) we all may find that our desire for unconventional methods or ways of doing things will arise; consequently, adjustments will need to be made. The retrograde aspects of both planets – especially Pluto – have and will continue to cause each of us to look deep inside and evaluate what we want out of and from our life, which includes our life in the larger global collective, resulting in the discarding of the old and the implementation of the new.
However, general astrological transits are not the only transits involved. Although the specific natal charts for the individuals involved in the shootings are not available as of this writing, we do have access to the natal chart of the events.
Astrology of the April 3rd and 4th, 2009 Mass ShootingsSadly, we have had our fair share of mass shootings over the past month alone. But what’s causing all this anger? In fact, is it truly anger? Or are the actions of these individuals being driven by something other than the astrological transits? While Saturn, Uranus and Mars can all exacerbate issues, Pluto is the only planet that represents death. Though some astrologers believe that Pluto in the 1st house attracts death to the individual, because we are dealing with a country and not a person, this would take on a significantly different meaning. The question is, are the astrological transits responsible for creating the challenging conditions which drove these individuals to commit these crimes, or could these shootings have been ‘staged’ in order to further the New World Order agenda?
Although there have been many mass shootings, we’ll look at the astrology of only the last two, using the USA’s natal chart in a Synastric or relationship-type configuration:
April 3, 2009, 10:05 a.m, Binghamton, New York USA o Transiting retrograde Pluto in Capricorn at 3 degrees, conjunct USA’s natal retrograde
Pluto in Capricorn at 27 degrees in the 1st house: although the conjunction isn’t exact,
the effect is nearly the same, though not as pronounced. Pluto in Capricorn generally
brings a major overhaul of all Big Business and governmental institutions, which would
include the Military Industrial Complex and all related law enforcement agencies, such
as the FBI, CIA, NSA and all local law enforcement. This is significant, because this
could very well have an affect on future laws and national policies, including the
enactment of Marshall Law.
o Transiting retrograde Pluto in Capricorn in the 1st house square natal Chiron in Aries in
the 3rd house might affect the gunmen to the extent that they could have experienced
woundedness around not being heard. However, this Synastric chart is based on a
general effect, not a personal or natal effect. Therefore, depending on each shooter’s
particular natal chart, this placement may or may not be applicable.
o Transiting Mars in Pisces in the 2nd house square natal Uranus in Gemini on the 6th
house cusp and natal Mars in Gemini in the 6th house. Even though Mars represents
aggression, because it’s in Pisces, it doesn’t quite have the same effect as, say, Mars in
Aries, Leo or Scorpio. Mars in Pisces, however, causes one to be extremely emotional,
but not, generally, physical. Creativity and secretiveness are prevalent with this
placement. With Mars at a challenging aspect to Uranus (which represents change and
rebellion) it’s possible that this placement could have driven the gunmen to take
matters into their own hands. Yet, the likelihood of this being the case is slim. And although
it’s possible that they each could have used this transit as a mask for their
actions (secretiveness), again, this seems unlikely. What seems likely, however, is that
the secretiveness could just as easily apply to government actions.
April 4, 2009; 7:00 a.m., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania USA,
o All of the same transits shown above were in effect for this day and location as well. The only
difference is the placement of the Moon, as shown below.
o Addendum to transiting Mars in Pisces: even though Poplawski told one of his friends
that he was going to die that day, still, no one seemed to be able to explain why he shot
the officers. Although there was some very slight evidence that he was interested in
what the government and media are calling ‘conspiracy theories,’ there seems to be
little evidence that his actions were pre-meditated. Which may be an indication that
he never had any intention of doing what he did that day, or that the intention was
buried so deeply in his subconscious that mind control being part of the equation
would not be out of the question.
o Transiting Moon in Leo conjunct transiting South Node of the Moon in Leo and
conjunct natal North Node of the Moon in Leo on the 8th house cusp conjunct the
Vertex (fated event) in Leo in the 8th house. The 8th house is the house of
death/transformation; its planetary ruler is Pluto. With the transiting Moon
(emotions) of the event itself conjunct within a 1 degree orb of the Vertex (fated event)
of the USA’s chart, it seems that this event was fated to happen. But was Poplawski
'fated’ to be the shooter? Or is it just that the US was ‘fated’ to construct a situation
wherein someone would follow through with the scenario the US had constructed?
Again, without Poplawski’s natal chart, it’s difficult to say what he might have been
thinking or feeling, and whether this particular event was part of his ‘destiny.’
What’s especially interesting about the first shooting is that the killer was believed to be a Vietnamese immigrant, while according to the MSNBC website, Pakistani Taliban militant leader, Baituallah Mehsud, claimed responsibility for the attack. It’s certainly possible that Voong could have been working ‘for’ the Taliban, but in my mind, this association is highly suspect. Knowing how many Americans react to any reference to the Taliban after the 9/11 attacks, it seems that all it would take is merely a hint of a suggestion that
Al Qaeda or the Taliban was involved and Americans would be screaming, en masse, for Voong’s head, as well as for the government to ‘do something about it!’ And what would be the next ‘logical course of action on the government’s part? Why, Marshall Law, of course.
It seems that we rarely hear about incidents such as this happening in other countries. They either don’t happen (which I sincerely doubt), or the authorities do an excellent job of covering them up. It’s also quite interesting how most of the gunmen either end up suiciding by cop, or are reported as being in some kind of trance as they’re led away in handcuffs.
Said New York governor, David Paterson in response to this incident: "When are we going to be able to curb the kind of violence that is so fraught and so rapid [sic] that we can't even keep track of the incidents?"
Is it possibly ‘set-up’ comments such as the above which are tightening the governmental noose around our national necks?
Brainwashed Manchurian Candidates and MK Ultra?In view of the above, is there any evidence that the government might possibly be conducting a program such as one that would produce a Manchurian Candidate? In September, 1977, in a comment made on the Senate floor, Senator Ted Kennedy indicated that there definitely was.
”The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of
LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations." At least one death, that of
Dr. [Frank] Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.
Further, based on documentation released under the Freedom of Inf

ormation Act, the name of that program was, and according to many sources, still is, MK Ultra.
entry in Wikipedia states: “A precursor of the MK-ULTRA program began in 1945 when the
Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for
Operation Paperclip. Operation Paperclip was a program to recruit former
Nazi spies, scientists and experts in
torture and
brainwashing, some of whom had just been identified and prosecuted as
war criminals during the
Nuremberg Trials….
"Headed by
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, the MK-ULTRA project was started on the order of CIA director
Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953….
"The CIA wanted to use similar methods on their own captives. The CIA was also interested in being able to manipulate foreign leaders with such techniques,
[11] and would later invent several schemes to drug
Fidel Castro….
"Experiments were often conducted without the subjects' knowledge or consent….
Another MK-ULTRA effort, Subproject 54, was the Navy's top secret "Perfect Concussion" program, which used sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory.”
Under a sub-section of the above Wikipedia article entitled
Aims and Goals, the following points were listed under a request “for studies probing dozens of methods of influencing and controlling the mind”
"Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public…
"Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness…
"Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing".
"Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use.
"Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.
"Historians have learned that creating a "
Manchurian Candidate" subject through "mind control" techniques was undoubtedly a goal of MK-ULTRA and related CIA projects.
[17] "
The further one delves into the MK Ultra nightmare, it seems, the more evident it becomes that the US government may not be telling the truth about many things.
If it weren’t for the fact that a US Senator corroborated the government’s involvement in covert drug testing on unsuspecting citizens, as well as written evidence which verifies the validity of the existence and purpose of the MK Ultra program, the public might never have learned what its own government was perpetrating against them.
Though many might wish to believe that this and other programs like it were used for national defense purposes, the fact that US citizens were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge puts a much different spin on the story.
If it is true, why does it take a US Senator – a politician – to expose the truth to the extent that others will believe it? There have been many other government employees, along with private citizens who have come forward with information on this and other government cover-ups, and been ridiculed, belittled and/or killed. And still the public is led to believe that Manchurian Candidates, mind control and the New World Order agenda are merely conspiracy theories perpetrated by deluded/deranged individuals.
MK Ultra AstrologyEven though no time was provided for the exact moment of MK Ultra’s inception, I have chosen a theoretical time of 10:00 a.m. on April 13, 1953. Since we know that the date is correct, the only difference would be the Rising Sign or Ascendant and the houses. (Whether this date/time was intentionally chosen for these particular astrological aspects or not, cannot be determined for sure. But, the fact that the
US Founding Fathers were known to have used astrology in the planning and building of the nation’s capital provides little doubt that astrology was more than likely employed for strategic initiatives, as well. The further fact that even
20th Century presidents and even British royals have used astrology and even employed astrologers is well known.)
Out of seven possible ‘birth’ times, the 10:00 a.m. birth-time seems the most logical for several reasons. Although each of the other six astrological natal charts had at least one placement that would have fit in with the concept of the MK Ultra theme, namely mind control, only this chart had several placements that when put together, contribute quite effectively to what would seem to be the overall intention.
Shown below are the interpretations for the astrological aspects for April 13, 1953. Although each Zodiac sign, planet and house has both a positive and a negative descriptor, due to the nature of the subject matter, we will be looking at only the negative aspects. Additionally, the time which was chosen would seem to be the most likely time for the CIA to get down to the business of the day, rather than at 6:00, 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. or any of the other three afternoon or evening time periods.
Significant aspects are shown below:
Ø Mercury (communication, intellect/the mind) is in Pisces (illusion/delusion) in the 10th house
of the Public. When Mercury is in Pisces, the individual or entity is more likely to employ
confusion, deceit and cunning in any interaction . When in the 10th house, these traits are
focused on the Public or with anyone with whom the individual may communicate when
verbally or in any other way, interacting with another. However, the fact that everyone is
affected by these transits indicates that those who initiated MK Ultra would also be affected.
Therefore, their thinking wouldn’t be any clearer than would that of the rest of the world.
Ø Moon in Aries and also in the 10th house of the Public. The Moon represents emotions; Aries
is a fire sign and has a short temper and causes much the same reaction in humans. However,
Aries is also known for its pioneering or initiating abilities. In spite of the previous aspect, this
would be a good time to initiate (Aries) a project which TPTB have wished (Moon) to
implement in the Public sector (10th house) for some time.
Ø Ascendant or Rising Sign in Cancer, the sign of home – the US’ sun sign and the focus (their
home nation) of this project. On the ‘face’ of things, it appears that TPTB care about the
citizens of this country. But the fact that Uranus also happens to be in Cancer and so near the
Ascendant, is an indication that their feelings (Cancer) about and allegiance to their own
country (home, family) is unpredictable. Therefore projects such as this, that would treat
humans as guinea pigs in order to determine how best to control them, are apropos.
Ø Along these same lines, the Part of Fortune, which represents that area in which the entity
finds the most joy and is most likely to find their ‘fortune,’ is in Cancer in the 12th house. The
12th house has many meanings, a few amongst them being the house of sorrow, the house of
the hidden, the house of shadows, etc. When applying to an individual, generally the Part of
Fortune in the 12th house is an indicator that it will more likely be later in life that s/he finds
her/his joy and/or fortune. Sometimes, however, this isn’t the case. Any activity taking place
in this house is done covertly. In other words, anything pertaining to ‘home/family’ (Cancer)
or the nation/the Public itself, is done in a clandestine (12th house) manner.
Ø Uranus in Cancer in the 1st house. Uranus represents perversion, shocking change,
unpredictability and confusion. When it’s in Cancer, the indication is that all those things
represented by Cancer – emotions, the past, home and family – will be affected, usually in a
negative way. Because Uranus is in the 1st house, this is how the individual or the project will
be perceived or seen: as something perverse, constantly changing, unpredictable and
potentially dangerous. This is even more the case, since Uranus is square or at a challenging or
turbulent aspect to the Sun, Venus and the Moon, which creates constantly changing values,
emotions and its very identity. Adding to this aspect is Mars in Taurus in the 11th house of
groups, community, friends, hopes and dreams which is square to retrograde Pluto in Leo in
the 2nd house of values and love. This particular aspect creates increased emotion, physical
energy and obsession. The initiators will (and have) continually look for different ways to
achieve their goals. Therefore, the values (2nd house) of the nation (11th house) are
frequently compromised by this project.
Ø North Node of the Moon in Aquarius in the 8th house. The North Node of the Moon
represents one’s future path in the current incarnation; that area where one is able to express
themselves most fully. However, the point here is that in order to express itself in its highest
form, it will be necessary for this entity to do so through ‘communities’ or a collective group; in
other words: through society. Although Aquarius also represents ideals, it’s extremely difficult
to envision MK Ultra as an idealistic endeavor, since the whole concept of mind control has
negative effects on anyone on whom it is utilized. The further fact that this is taking place in
the 8th house of Secrets, Transformation and Death, seems to be yet another indication that
the intentions for this entity/project are far from benevolent.
In a Synastric or ‘compatibility’ reading of natal charts between MK Ultra and the United States (July 4, 1776; 6:30 p.m., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) with the USA in the inner wheel, there were a few ‘obvious’ aspects, such as MK Ultra’s Chiron in Capricorn conjunct the USA’s retrograde Pluto in the 1st house. Obvious, because when methods of mind control are used, they are generally quite ‘wounding,’ one of the main descriptors for Chiron, the Wounded Healer.
The implication is that this program has created a nation of wounded individuals who have been used as guinea pigs to further the NWO agenda. One interesting description for Chiron in the 1st house, is that the individual/entity with this placement generally spends a good deal of time attempting to influence others. Also, the fact that Chiron is conjunct PLUTO, is an indication that transformative (Pluto) and wounding (Chiron) power (Pluto) is used against others with the intention of forcing them to comply. Again, considering the nature of mind control, this description seems to epitomize it completely.
Other interesting aspects include:
Ø MKU’s Uranus in Cancer conjunct the USA’s Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 7th
house. This project has not only changed the USA’s system of values, but the way it
communicates and (again) its very identity – especially in the area of relationships (7th house)
with others.
Ø MKU’s retrograde Pluto and South Node of the Moon (past/early life limitations) in Leo
(leadership) conjunct the USA’s Part of Fortune, Vertex (fated event/meeting) and North
Node of the Moon (on the cusp) in the 8th house. With Pluto, in particular, in the 8th house,
the implication is that something dark/shady/hidden/dangerous is taking/will take place out
of sight from the public or from others. It also gives the entity (MKU) the ability to be
uncannily accurate, psychically. In other words, the perpetrators of this program know
exactly what to do to make the project successful. The SNM in Leo causes the entity to take
risks, but because of the nature of this placement – and in spite of their success – these risks
are limited. Although the Vertex is 10 degrees from MKU’s retrograde Pluto, it is still within
an acceptable orb, and thus has a considerable effect (retrograde Pluto in Leo is quite powerful
and far-reaching). This conjunction is an indication that this is definitely a ‘fated event,’ which
is further emphasized by the fact that MKU’s SNM is also conjunct the Vertex by less than a 2
degree orb. The South Node of the Moon also represents skills and abilities brought in from a
past life, and indicates that events that occurred in the past or earlier lifetime (‘childhood’) of
the entity are re-occurring. That is, this placement (SNM) indicates that this program/project
was planned from the beginning, or when this country was first established.
But is this ‘evidence’ enough to prove that the government is, indeed, covertly maneuvering our country into the straitjacket of Marshall Law and the New World Order?
Is this Fact or Fiction? You decide.
Journey Into Madness; The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse; Gordon Thomas; Bantam Books, New York; 1989
Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control; Harvey Weinstein; American Psychiatric Press; Washington, DC; 1990
The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”; the CIA and Mind Control; John D. Marks; Times Books, New York; 1979
Trance Formation of America, Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips; Reality Marketing, Inc.; Las Vegas, Nevada; 1995