If so, at least 75% of the United States Might Qualify as Dissenters
Most of us – Americans in particular – are content to go about our lives without questioning or intervening in governmental decisions/affairs. But what if even those considered ‘mainstream’ (as opposed to ‘radicals’ of either the far left or far right persuasion) learned about a government ‘plot’ that would not only virtually destroy our families, but our country, and possibly our entire civilization, as well? Would we be content to wait it out and let someone else sort out the particulars, especially if those particulars affected our loved ones?
Like most, I love my family and friends and want equality for ALL. I suppose I could be clumped in with those that conservatives call ‘bleeding heart liberals.’ But I fail to understand why so many cling to such outmoded and potentially harmful ways of thinking at the expense – and often the lives – of a multitude of others. Whether it is insistence on one’s religious ‘right,’ or a bias for one’s race or nationality, ultimately someone is excluded from ‘the good life’ based on someone else’s belief regarding their sovereign ‘right’ to rule over others. Have we become so complacent and caught up in the ‘rat race’ that we are unable to see how our actions are affecting others? Or is it that we just don’t care and selfishly want what we want regardless of its effects on the rest of the planet?
After my last blog entry, and after reading various articles on the government’s intentions towards curtailing our freedom of speech, I was concerned that the government might believe that the Astrology of Conspiracy blog contributes to the proliferation of conspiracy theories, which is one of the reasons I’ve hesitated to publish anything of late. After all: I have loved ones to protect.
But what does that say about our government?
This country was formed with the idea that we would be free – that we would have the freedoms that our forefathers did not possess before establishing the United States of America. It was supposed to be predicated on the right to freedom of speech and the right to bear arms, amongst other things. Yet especially since the Bush Regime, it seems that our rights to both of these, if not other rights, are gradually being taken away. Is this truly a conspiracy theory? Is it just a figment of our imagination? Or is it actually happening?
From my point of view – as well as that of many others – it seems that the government is now punishing anyone who disagrees with their policies.
Some of the conspiracy theories I’ve researched seem absolutely ludicrous, virtually inane and unprovable, while others are difficult to ignore. But what I’ve noticed is that it’s those that seem to have some legitimacy and/or provability that the debunkers attack with a vengeance.
Because there are many individuals who are generally afraid of authority, most debunkers merely parrot what they’ve heard others declaim regarding any given conspiracy theory; while not having any hard evidence to back up their declamations, other than that so and so said so (it doesn’t seem to occur to them that so and so doesn’t have any hard facts, either). Instead, they resort to belittling, defamation and slander in order to ‘prove’ that those who believe specific ‘plots’ exist are ‘nuts,’ ‘crackpots’ and worse. And of course we can’t discount the possibility that there are governmental (i.e. CIA, NSA, etc.) shills who may likely plant some of these ‘wacko’ theories to begin with, and are the lead debunkers in those that may very well be true.
It seems that if the government was truly innocent of the various conspiracy theories for which it is blamed, our right to freedom of speech would not be taken away, while an investigation into where the conspiracy theories are originating would be overtly launched. Instead, most of the conspiracy theories are swept under the governmental rug, while those who attempt to alert others to what is actually taking place are vilified and/or eliminated. Soon, if the government has its way, anyone who disagrees with governmental policies will be prosecuted and possibly eliminated merely for utilizing our rights to freedom of speech.
Some ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Are True
‘Conspiracies,’ such as the plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King, Jr. have been accepted without question. Now. Although at the time they were suggested, those who believed that there was a conspiracy afoot were also laughed at, if not worse.
Generally, assassinations don’t touch most of our lives directly. Or so it appears. According to freelance journalist, Shawn E. Hamilton, reporting through the Sacramento Statehouse Examiner on the JFK assassination, roughly 75% of the US population believes there was a conspiracy and that certain elements of the government helped cover it up. While there is no argument that JFK was killed, or that we're also being asked to believe that there was a ‘limited’ conspiracy to assassinate him, governmental reporting agencies and panels such as the Warren Commission, continue to insist that – in spite of the government’s far reaching (even at that time) technological tentacles – Oswald had to have carried out his heinous mission either alone or with the assistance of only one other individual.
But were they wrong? Or were they misleading us?
It seems that once some ‘conspiracy theory’ is proved to be true by relentless investigators who won’t settle for the pat explanations with which we’re often patronized, then the government backtracks, essentially saying: “Oops, oh yeah, we made a mistake. There WAS a conspiracy to do thus and such. But it really didn’t involve the government. It was a lone wolf with the help of another lone wolf.”
They Come in Threes
Like many others who are interested in this area of study, my first foray into what later became known as the ‘conspiracy theory’ field, came with the assassination of President John Kennedy back in the early 60s. I’ve always been a sucker for unraveling a good mystery, so ‘conspiracy theories’ seemed to pique my investigative and analytical nature.
Over the years, what I learned as well, is that: 1) based on overwhelming evidence, many of the so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ seemed to be true (even if the government wasn’t admitting to their veracity); 2) the majority of the ‘conspiracy theories’ seem to involve some aspect of the New World Order, and 3) there seem to be three disparate types of individuals on both sides of the ‘conspiracy theory’ game board, as shown below.
I say ‘seem,’ because obviously - unless I were consciously involved in any of the so-called ‘conspiracies,’ I can’t know with 100% certainty. But then, isn’t that what they’re counting on? Along with the fact that so many of these theories are too unbelievable to be true, or that the majority of Americans just can’t conceive of the notion that their beloved government could possibly do anything so horrific.
Which brings me to another aspect of conspiracy theories: the various types of people who are either for or against the New World Order. Because, ultimately, that is what it boils down to: you either want it or you don’t.
Anti-New World Order
Ø Inactive Pacifists: those who don’t wish harm to come to anyone, but who will usually go along with whatever agenda seems to best serve the ‘peace at any cost’ purpose (as long as it’s truly peaceful), even if they don’t quite understand it. These individuals aren’t stupid; they just generally don’t bother to investigate or research what they’ve been told is true.
Ø Active Pacifists: those who are peaceful, but who also write about, lobby against and physically (but peacefully) protest aggression, war and/or anything involving the NWO. Cindy Sheehan falls into one aspect of this category.
Ø Constitutional Patriots*: those who are against the NWO, but are quite a bit more militant or radical in their opposition, mainly because they advocate the use of firearms. Alex Jones, former police officer Jack McLamb, state militias, oath keepers, et al, fall into this category.
*Although the government claims that Neo-Nazis and individuals such as Timothy McVeigh are in the last category, I would argue that they are not. Based on documented evidence, these individuals are generally products of MK Ultra and other covert NWO operations which are perpetrated in order to undermine the unity and cohesion of the opposition, or anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda. These individuals actually belong to the Pro-NWO Drone category shown below.
Pro-New World Order
Conspiracy theory debunkers are notorious for their intimidation and belittling techniques. As noted in the first category, even those with good intentions insist that anyone who believes that any of these ‘conspiracies’ exist, are crazy. Like the ‘Drone’ category, these individuals generally mimic what they’ve heard about anyone who believes the NWO plots, yet rarely research any of the available documentation in order to back up their claims.
Ø Sheeple: The majority of the masses who are either in a trance and going about their daily lives as if nothing is amiss, and who refuse to see the reality of the government agenda or are too afraid to ‘buck the system.’ This category includes well-meaning individuals who believe that those they consider ‘conspiracy theorists,’ are misled, delusional or severely mentally imbalanced.
Ø Drones/Shills/Plants: Those who knowingly or unknowingly (i.e. Manchurian Candidates) actively assist with the furtherance of the NWO agenda, either through a verbal or written venue, or by actively and/or physically participating, as in agents of the various alphabet agencies who follow/uphold orders dispensed by the NWO elite. These would also include those who would be considered ‘plants’ or ‘shills,’ who, again either knowingly or unknowingly purposely create or contribute to malicious and/or misleading, as well as totally false information and/or harass those considered anti-NWO..
Ø Most Politicians/industrialists/authority figures/the Elite: The world’s most politically powerful and most wealthy individuals who wish to form a New World Order where what are left of the earth’s inhabitants after the planned population reduction through eugenics, will rule as a One World Government, with control over all.
Want more proof that the media, mega-corporations and at least some aspects of the government are in on what seem to be ‘conspiracy theories’? Check out this short video from former Fox News reporters Steven Wilson and Jane Akre, involving media suppression of BGH or bovine growth hormones in milk and the part that conglomerate, Monsanto, and the Food and Drug Administration played in preventing the airing of a broadcast news story involving its health hazards (such as cancer) to humans.
‘When the power of love, overcomes the love of power, only then will the world know Peace.” ~ unknown author
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