It is also believed that at least three Hebrew prophets: Samuel, Daniel and Isaiah, studied or were actually astrologers. Samuel, in particular, located the shepherd boy who would later become the 2nd king of Israel, by the recognition of the ‘Star of David,’ (an astrological geometric planetary configuration known as a Double Grand Trine) in the heavens. Further, the Jewish Kabbalah basically teaches that man’s existence is based on Sacred Geometry and utilizes astrology to delineate our relationship with the Cosmos.
Additionally, based on extensive astrological research conducted by numerous astrologers over the past several hundred years, there seems to be some precedent for past lives found in the astrological natal chart. In astrology, a point of reference known as the South Node of the Moon is indicative of a person’s past life abilities, skills and/or karma that follows us into our current incarnation, as well as one’s present early life abilities, skills and talents brought forward in the current incarnation to adulthood.
Aside from the probability that Barak Obama has quite an esoteric belief system, himself, it appears likely – based on his astrological natal chart and on his upbringing – that he, also, believes in reincarnation.
The scuttle traveling around the Internet at present states that Barak Obama is the incarnation of various historical figures. Religious spokesman, Texe Marrs says that Barak Obama is the reincarnation of the Sun God, Osiris, while others believe him to be the reincarnation of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton. Still others state that he is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln.
The claim to the Akhenaten incarnation was seemingly put forth by one Brianstalin and picked up by numerous sources. Brianstalin, supposedly the world’s ‘foremost expert’ on reincarnation, claims that there is evidence that indicates that Obama is, indeed, the reincarnation of Pharaoh Akhenaten while simultaneously claiming that the Akashic Records say that he isn’t.
Come again?
Still, he doesn’t say exactly what this evidence is, other than that he has located this information in the Akashic Records.
Although the comparison to Akhenaten (as well as to Hitler) is definitely a bit disconcerting, we need to keep in mind that each of us may have had unflattering, not to mention horrendous, past lives. The whole point of repetitive incarnations is to learn from each successive life in order to reach Enlightenment.

When comparing Obama’s likeness to that of Akhenaten in this YouTube video – Brianstalin implies that the resemblance is evidence that Obama is the reincarnation of this Egyptian pharaoh. But is he?
Although there does seem to be a likeness of sorts, there is not enough evidence, in my opinion, to prove anything. Neither does Brianstalin show how his assertions are being corroborated or verified. Nor does anyone else, as far as I’ve been able to determine, make the claim that they have uncovered evidence that Obama is the reincarnation of Akhenaten. From what I can gather, there is no firm evidence, corroboration or verification other than Brianstalin’s writings, alone, which seem to be the basis for this claim that Obama is the reincarnation of not only Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, but Pope Leo XIII as well. And even then, he doesn’t show us how he came to these conclusions.
While anything is certainly possible, how would one know for sure that what they were ‘viewing’ in the Akashic Records was accurate? For that matter, how does one know for sure that they are, indeed, viewing the Akashic Records, and not just falling prey to their own overactive imagination?
Throughout the span of the last forty-some odd years in which I have read and researched numerous topics, including reincarnation, I’ve read such authors as Drs. Brian Weiss, Raymond Moody, Bruce Goldberg, and Ian Stevenson, medical intuitive Edgar Cayce, medium Ruth Montgomery, and counselor and past life regression therapist Carol Bowman who writes on children’s past lives. Yet, this is the first I’ve heard of Brianstalin, and I had to do a Google search on “Obama” and “reincarnation” to find him.
While I’m more convinced of the concept of reincarnation than any other explanation pertaining to our ultimate origin and continued existence, I’m not as convinced of the accuracy of various claims to being able to view the Akashic Records. Or rather, I’m not totally convinced that just because someone says that the information they have managed to ‘access,’ is accurate, that it is. Like channeling, this form of ‘information gathering’ leaves itself wide open for interpretation and is difficult to validate. That is, if it’s not outright fraudulent.
Not to say that Brianstalin’s claims are fraudulent; only that there seems to be little in the way of concrete proof to validate his claims. (For more information on Brianstalin, see his MySpace profile page.)
No? How About the Reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln?
Several astrologers initially noticed the similarities between the astrological natal charts of Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln, such as Joan P., of the Karmic Astrology blogsite. Joan does an excellent job of interpreting and comparing Lincoln’s chart to Obama’s, although at the time this piece was written in May of 2008, Obama’s correct birth time was not known.
Another astrologer, VerDarLuz, a contributing writer for the site Reality Sandwich, says it quite succinctly in this article late last year:
Besides the similarities of their personal geographies (impoverished upbringing, Illonois), Obama’s South Node, which represents our karmic traces, is on Lincoln’s Sun. And the reverse is true: Obama’s Sun is on Lincoln’s South Node. This powerful reversal may suggest a major spiritual theme that has been circulating between these two souls, trying to be implemented in this country for some time. It very clearly could point to reincarnant energy of the same soul.
Couple this with Lincoln’s Chiron/Sun/Neptune on Obama’s Ascendant, and one can feel how Obama channels Lincoln’s major life purpose (Sun) to implement the vision (Neptune) of healing (Chiron) the ‘Union.’
Then following up with his own astrological opinion on the comparison of the two charts in January, 2009, astrologer Dr. Z, The Zodiac Master, offers his opinion on the probability that Obama could very well be the reincarnation of Lincoln.
Well, the evidence seems to be looking good for clinching the case that Obama could be the reincarnation of Lincoln. Still, similarities such as this are not quite enough to prove conclusively that one person is the absolute reincarnation of another. All it proves is that their birth charts are similar or that they dovetail in some manner, which isn’t always as meaningful as we might wish to believe.
And then there’s Newsweek Magazine’s recent article, Obama’s Lincoln, which seems to lend some credence to the belief that Obama is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln, though this is only implied, as well as Obama’s own references to Lincoln in an article he wrote for Time Magazine in 2006, entitled My Spiritual Journey.
The point is, there really is no solid evidence which proves that Barak Obama is the reincarnation of anyone specific. However, there is a way to determine if he has similar traits or even similar purposes to these two great leaders as other astrologers have shown.
Possible Astrological Proof of Obama’s Past Life Traits
Having said that, however, based on his astrological natal chart, Barak Obama is also bringing quite a bit of that visionary knowledge and wisdom in with him from one or more past lives. Whether or not he will use it during this administration is another issue.
According to astrologer, Martin Schulman in The Moon’s Nodes and Reincarnation, in regard to the North Node of the Moon in Leo (as Obama’s is), “…he has a great ability to do something for the human race, for he is capable of depersonalizing his actions for the good of all mankind.”
Schulman also goes on to say that, “The Aquarius South Node [of the Moon] brings with it past life roots strongly embedded in the principles of fairness and equality.” And “This individual is capable of making revolutionary changes in what was once established tradition…he believes in firm justice, and yet he is quick to pardon once people have admitted that they are wrong. He is never one to strike when a person is down. The sense of fair play has become such a part of his soul, that although he feels he should be more competitive, it makes him uncomfortable to be part of any competition which involves foul play.” It is also “…his present life karma to apply his Uranian ingenuity [Uranus rules Aquarius, his Rising Sign] through practical and traditional Leonine outlets [such as leadership and creativity].”
In reference to the house position of the North Node of the Moon, Schulman says, “The house position [in this case, the 7th house of partnership] of the North Node shows the area through which all the chart energy can be focused –” that is, through partnerships with others, including our nation and other nations “into a new shining creation of substantial size and worth, a gift of generosity to the world. Truly these are the Nodes of the ‘Inventor.’”
Also in the 7th house of partnership are Mars conjunct or in the same sign (Virgo) as Pluto. Mars is representative of action, while Pluto symbolizes transformation and power. With these two planets in the down-to-earth and practical sign of Virgo, the need to work hard and the inability to be inactive for long, are prominent features. He is extremely analytical, a perfectionist, and quite organized when it comes to the detail work. With Mars in the 7th house, he places a great deal of importance on relationships, both in marriage and in business. Since the presidency of the United States of America is definitely a business, his relationships with those with whom he works within the White House, American citizens, as well as partnerships with leaders of other countries are tremendously important to him.
The downside to this placement is that he may be so concerned with the opinions of others (especially as they pertain to himself and his need for the approval of others) that there may be a tendency to overlook the rectification of personal issues which require his attention. Additionally, because he is a Leo, there may also be the danger of allowing his ego to get in the way of his better judgement at times.
In regard to specific past lives, since these cannot be determined from a perusal of the astrological chart, Obama being the reincarnation of Akhenaten, Lincoln or anyone else, in my opinion, is highly conjectural. In fact, it is more likely that Obama merely admires the former president so much that he strives to emulate him.
Then, of course, there’s always the possibility that all of these claims are merely purposely engineered attempts to manipulate the public into accepting him as the next Messiah, showing how similar he is to both of these leaders and how he must have returned to finish what he began at least twice before.
The final implication, however – again based on his natal chart – is that he reincarnated to ‘get it right’ this time. But will he follow through with his Soul’s intentions for this incarnation? Only time and Barak Obama will tell.
Still, his natal chart seems to say one thing, while some of his actions seem to say something entirely different. Or do they? What’s up with that? Could it be that while Barack Obama might seem to be following in the footsteps of his presidential predecessors, that he does, in fact, have an agenda of his own?
I invite you to follow along with me as I look into the 3rd part of this series: Obama Conspiracy Theories: Fact or Fiction?
This is smashing, Kat! Glad i found it. jude
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kudos, Jude! I take that as a compliment coming from the proprietor of the Stars Over Washington blog! Kat
ReplyDeleteBrianstalin points out that the similarities between Barack Obama and Akhenaten are not coincidental and indicate a family connection and that Obama was actually one of Akhenaten's daughters.
ReplyDeleteBrianstalin's findings have been corroborated by people who can read the Akashic Records and who teach this skill to others.
If you disbelieve it, Brianstalin will teach you to go directly to the Akashic Records for yourself.
Is Barack Obama is The Reincarnation, Resurrected, Clone, or Blood Line Of The Sun/Son God (Malachi 4:1-8)?
ReplyDelete1) The Bible is definitely a spin-off from the Egyptian Sun God. Thus we have to learn about and understand Ancient Egypt before “believing†in Biblical interpretations: (2 Kings 23:1-end; Revelation 1:10-15; Daniel 10:1-end; Revelation 19:1-end-sun-face-contenance-presence of God-Matthew 17:1-15; Matthew 24:1-end; Mark 16:2; Malachi 4:1-8) 2) So Called Christianity such as the Council of Nicea, Nicaea (Nicene Creed) changed the Egyptian-Galilean Yeshua to Jesus and Antioch helped make Christianity a state religion (Acts 11:26).
Interesting read, except for the misquote attributed to Brianstalin. I have done extensive looking into his matches, and have not found anything that says he claimed Obama had been Akhenaten. King Arthur, yes, but not Akhenaten.
ReplyDeleteMy personal experience with Brianstalin's readings has led me to believe there is something to what he teaches. What I give him the most kudos for is that he is backs up what he puts out there with a genuine willingness to teaching people how he does what he does. Of course, that puts the onus on each of us to learn new ways of doing things which might require us to unlearn a few things as well.
Hi Christa,
ReplyDeleteIf you reread what I wrote about Brianstalin, you'll note that I stated: "The claim to the Akhenaten incarnation was seemingly put forth by one Brianstalin and picked up by numerous sources." The reason I said 'seemingly' is because I couldn't find any original or specific source for his works, though I did quite an extensive amount of research in this regard. What I quoted was the only information I was able to obtain on him, and not something I said myself.
Dr. Zarkov: As for believing or disbelieving Brianstalin: if you would be kind enough to supply me with a link to his website (if he has one) or a book -- something that tells me that more than a few people are aware of his work, I would be glad to look into his work in more depth.
I'm not dismissing his ability out of hand; merely stating that until I can verify for myself that this man is genuine, I cannot vouch for him.
As it stands, as of this date, I still haven't heard of Brianstalin, except from the one website to which I've linked.
Thank you both for your comments.
Many Blessings,
Kat Starwolf
Addendum to the above: I'd forgotten that I was able to find Brianstalin's MySpace account. But, again, even after reading it once again, just because someone claims that they're an expert in any field -- especially one as esoteric and, for the most part, unverifiable as the Akashic Records -- unless there is some other type of concrete and adequate validation for these abilities, I don't feel comfortable listing them as an expert source. There's just not enough data to validate his claims. At least yet.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I would be interested in talking to the numerous individuals mentioned above who can read the Akashic Records and who can validate his claims.
Kat Starwolf
Sorry, if I misread your intent.
ReplyDeleteI was referring more specifically to where you had written "Brianstalin, supposedly the world’s ‘foremost expert’ on reincarnation, claims that there is evidence that indicates that Obama is, indeed, the reincarnation of Pharaoh Akhenaten while simultaneously claiming that the Akashic Records say that he isn’t."
I'm curious where you found that, because I have not come across anything that states Brainstalin has stated that, is all.
This is a page from his web-site where I found the specific assertions to Obama and Akhenaten that he has made.
"Although the Akashic records state clearly that Barack Obama is NOT the reincarnation of Akhenaten, the resemblance is NO coincidence."
His general web-site that I found is here:
And there is course, the many Garyse7en youtube videos which is where I 1st came across his research.
A couple of the references by him that I found referring to Akhenaten having incarnated as King Arthur are found here:
and here:
As for a book, my experience with Brainstalin is that he is a rather reclusive sort who has no interest in making a profit off of what he does. His focus is on healing and teaching others how to do what he does, if interested. He has mentioned maybe doing a book, but only time will tell if he actually will do one. Many of the matches he does seem to be for private individuals anyway, with the few videos he has out dealing mostly with individuals who are already in the public eye. He is very protective of those who choose not to be in the public eye.
I have a blog where I have recounted some of my experiences with the matches he has done for me. Some is a key word though, because again, many of the matches he has done are 'private' and I too am also very protective of many of the people around me that he has matched for me as well. I have been much more openly logging some of those matches to my friends in facebook.
Much love and blessing your way as well,
Christa Bella
Oh, btw, I just saw my own typo/mistake with my original comment. lol
ReplyDeleteI now see, how it's written, that it made it seem like Brainstalin had matched Obama to King Arthur. I meant it to say that Brianstalin had matched AKHENETEN to incarnating as King Arthur.
Typed words are often inadequate in expressing our thoughts at times. :~)
I am very curious to further installments to your blog though. Keep up the good work.
Hello, very cool site. Just joined. Check out my metaphysical blog @ Keep spreading the word, we'll win eventually... :)Namaste!
ReplyDeleteThere is no way that if any major magazine ever equates Obama with the Messiah I would believe that. Nothing more than propaganda to get the masses misdirected.