by Melody Scott Zindell
After President Obama’s speech last night I was inspired to look at another aspect of his chart that will add a dimension to how potentially entrenched in “the system” he is.

Humankind’s evolutionary journey is in part reflected by the current Saturn / Uranus opposition, which is with us through July 2010. Saturn is the status quo and Uranus is radical change. This is another turn around the spiral of learning how to integrate new paradigms within the social structure and traditions of the past, with an increased awareness of self responsibility and “growing up” a little, as the bigger 250 year cycle of Pluto in Capricorn, which began this year, breaks down an older part of the system that is no longer working.
As an archetype, Obama reflects these ideas with his natal Saturn in Capricorn retrograde in the 12th house inconjunct Uranus and the North node in Leo in the 7th house. This almost exact natal Saturn / Uranus signature is closely aspected by the current transit. Later this year with the September 15th pass, the Saturn / Uranus opposition at 24 degrees and only 1 degree from Obama’s natal aspect.
We have no idea what Obama’s inner processing is because he is a politician and seems to play the politician game very well. That said, we do know that one dynamic which this signature reflects would be a deep and focused need to reflect upon the conditionings (that we all have to one degree or another) relative to one’s ideas about the role and structure of government and systems. I agree with Jeffrey Wolf Green who said once that all politicians are in a consensus reality, primarily defined as a person who is identified as an extension of societal norms, beliefs and customs. Probably at least 75% of the world’s population falls in this group. This is in contrast to those who have moved into an individuated state, characterized by those who question the beliefs and customs and who seek to discover their own individuality as distinct from society. Someone who advocates change with a Uranian vibration, as Obama has, can still do so from within the consensus framework, which we can observe him doing. For example, he essentially wants to continue the same system of lending, credit, education, health and so on, but to upgrade these systems to a better way of working. Saturn wants to keep the old structure and Uranus wants to bring in something new. In Obama’s chart we have an inconjunct between these two planetary energies which indicates a sense of tension on a crisis level, something that must be resolved for him, underscored by the idea that the planet of new and radically different is conjunct Obama’s North Node in Leo.
This tension is seen by others in an iconoclastic way that is primarily focused on the past (Saturn in Capricorn in the 12th) as he has been regularly compared to Presidents Lincoln and Roosevelt, as well as wanting his speech last night to take on the positive reform feelings that came with administrations such as Roosevelt’s. There is the potential with this signature to be on the edge of society, but one does not get the backing of the old guard for presidency in that mode. So, although there are hints that Obama has a revolutionary streak, such as with his close association with the radical Reverend Jeremiah Wright until it compromised his political career track, he probably must remain ambivalent with his inner processes. The result is a “go with the flow” mentality and conforming to peer pressure, another function of Uranus on a conservative end. The peer pressure that Obama is conforming to is the very old guard and status quo political structure, and the “change” is fixing the problems in the same way they were created, which even if this strategy works is certainly not a radical or outside the box solution.
The impetus to eventually break his conditioning is strong, and could range from breaking out of the pack into a greater sense of individuality but still within “his group” to potentially stepping completely outside the current system with a radically different orientation. This would be show up very differently than what we are seeing with actions that seem well defined by the past.
As an archetype, Obama reflects these ideas with his natal Saturn in Capricorn retrograde in the 12th house inconjunct Uranus and the North node in Leo in the 7th house. This almost exact natal Saturn / Uranus signature is closely aspected by the current transit. Later this year with the September 15th pass, the Saturn / Uranus opposition at 24 degrees and only 1 degree from Obama’s natal aspect.
We have no idea what Obama’s inner processing is because he is a politician and seems to play the politician game very well. That said, we do know that one dynamic which this signature reflects would be a deep and focused need to reflect upon the conditionings (that we all have to one degree or another) relative to one’s ideas about the role and structure of government and systems. I agree with Jeffrey Wolf Green who said once that all politicians are in a consensus reality, primarily defined as a person who is identified as an extension of societal norms, beliefs and customs. Probably at least 75% of the world’s population falls in this group. This is in contrast to those who have moved into an individuated state, characterized by those who question the beliefs and customs and who seek to discover their own individuality as distinct from society. Someone who advocates change with a Uranian vibration, as Obama has, can still do so from within the consensus framework, which we can observe him doing. For example, he essentially wants to continue the same system of lending, credit, education, health and so on, but to upgrade these systems to a better way of working. Saturn wants to keep the old structure and Uranus wants to bring in something new. In Obama’s chart we have an inconjunct between these two planetary energies which indicates a sense of tension on a crisis level, something that must be resolved for him, underscored by the idea that the planet of new and radically different is conjunct Obama’s North Node in Leo.
This tension is seen by others in an iconoclastic way that is primarily focused on the past (Saturn in Capricorn in the 12th) as he has been regularly compared to Presidents Lincoln and Roosevelt, as well as wanting his speech last night to take on the positive reform feelings that came with administrations such as Roosevelt’s. There is the potential with this signature to be on the edge of society, but one does not get the backing of the old guard for presidency in that mode. So, although there are hints that Obama has a revolutionary streak, such as with his close association with the radical Reverend Jeremiah Wright until it compromised his political career track, he probably must remain ambivalent with his inner processes. The result is a “go with the flow” mentality and conforming to peer pressure, another function of Uranus on a conservative end. The peer pressure that Obama is conforming to is the very old guard and status quo political structure, and the “change” is fixing the problems in the same way they were created, which even if this strategy works is certainly not a radical or outside the box solution.
The impetus to eventually break his conditioning is strong, and could range from breaking out of the pack into a greater sense of individuality but still within “his group” to potentially stepping completely outside the current system with a radically different orientation. This would be show up very differently than what we are seeing with actions that seem well defined by the past.
This would be a possibility if he truly was born with these exact details but considering the woman who certified his birth certificate died in a plane crash shortly after doing so I’m not so sure this is accurate.