Disclaimer: I am neither pro- nor anti- Obama. My purpose in reporting the following is to attempt to shed some astrological light on our new president’s character. Therefore, I am reporting only what I see in his astrological chart. HOWEVER, this interpretation is based on the birth information (date, time, location) provided on Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Therefore, the interpretation is only as accurate as the recorded or reported birth data.
Who is Barak Obama? Is he really the altruistic humanitarian, sage leader and loving family man we see portrayed in the media? The way he came out of nowhere, bursting onto the world scene certainly seems suspect. With almost no funds to help sustain the most arguably successful presidential campaign in the history of this country, it’s difficult not to look with some suspicion at this heretofore virtually unknown politician; even for those who voted for him. Yet, who is this man who promised the change our country so desperately needs? Will he make good on those promises, or will he drag us through another eight years of hell?
Is there a way to determine his true character? Is he the Messiah? The Anti-Christ? The reincarnation of an Egyptian pharaoh? A puppet of the Illuminati? Human and fallible like the rest of us? Or something else entirely?
Astrology may provide us with the answer….
Although astrology is considered a pseudoscience by many, the fact is, to many others astrology has demonstrated that it is quite an accurate discipline. This is not a reference to Sun Sign astrology which utilizes only the Sun when evaluating someone’s personality traits. But real astrology that utilizes all the planets in the solar system, including the Sun, the Moon and a few asteroids and a comet in determining either the outcome of events or the actual, seemingly ‘hidden’ personality traits of any given individual.
Yet, is it possible for an astrologer to truly know the character of an individual without ever having met that person just by looking at his or her astrological natal chart? While it is true that astrology – and by extension, astrologers – cannot, for the most part, always know our deep inner thoughts and feelings, it is possible, nonetheless, to deduce a person’s probable intentions based on the positions of his or her natal planets, specifically in relation to current astrological transits and trends. Whether or not the individual follows through on his or her tendencies, of course, is governed by various factors, including free will. Regardless, the compulsion for any of us to act in a given manner based on the placements of the planets in our natal chart is generally quite strong; in spite of how diligently others might wish to persuade us to follow through with their agenda.
So what does Barak Obama’s birth chart have to say about him?
Barak Obama’s Astrological Natal Chart
According to AstroDatabank, 7:24 p.m. – the time listed on his birth certificate (which finally surfaced after the question of whether or not he was truly a United States citizen) – was utilized. Unless we’ve been misled regarding his birth information, this seems to lend some validity to the character he displays in public. Shown below are the locations of the various planets in his birth chart for those of you who are astrologically inclined (note that the house system is Geocentric Tropical Placidus, which places his Mars ((action, passion, aggression)) in the 7th house of partnerships and enemies):
Although President Obama, like the rest of us, no doubt has his moments (after all, he is a Leo), the question is: is he capable of leading this country and following through on his promises of positive change? Possessing the mechanical know-how to accomplish a task is one thing; but doing so because one’s heart compels them to such actions, is an entirely different matter.
One thing in his favor in regard to the presidency, is the fact that he is a Leo. Leos are known for their strong leadership ability. If other strategic planets are in favorable positions, sign-wise and in aspect to each other, the native can be a formidable force. With his Sun in the 6th house, his sense of duty tends to be strong, though he may have a difficult time doing the same old thing day in and day out. Lucky for him that he’s in a job where nothing is routine! There will be lots of diversity to fill his time, on which he will thrive. All in all, his desire is to focus his leadership abilities on the health of the nation in such a way so that he may serve others, since this is specifically what his Soul incarnated to do.
The Moon in Gemini indicates a need to rationalize one’s own emotions, as well as those of others, and is a prevalent characteristic. He may seem almost emotionless because of this placement, but his Sun (core identity) in a fire sign and Venus (love, values) in a water sign, may mitigate the stoic tendency to a great extent. In other words, the stoicism, while real on the surface, is merely a protective façade that hides a much deeper loving and caring personality (Cancer and Leo), which he may feel more comfortable expressing in the presence of his family members rather than in public. With this placement in the 4th house of home, family and emotions, his interactions with his family – especially his children – will be loving and yet rational. He’s more likely to be the kind of parent that uses reason as a form of disciplinary control than force. His Venus (love) in Cancer (home, family) in the 5th house of children, also lends weight to this trait.
In relation to how this translates to his abilities as president and how he sees and will interact with the citizens of his country, he will have much the same demeanor. Granted, there are variables involved that may require a slightly different tact when dealing with certain issues. Yet, for the most part, he is a genuinely loving individual. He loves his country and its people so much, that he is willing to do everything he possibly can to protect it and them. While this may not manifest in a literal sense (as in initiating or fighting in a war), it is very likely to be expressed in subtle undertones through other means; for instance, ‘fighting’ for equality, better economic conditions, better health care, peace, etc.
The placement of both his Neptune in Scorpio on the cusp of the 9th house (also influenced by 8th house energy, which includes power/transformation, joint finances and secrecy) and his Jupiter in Aquarius in the 12th, are indications that he is definitely interested in what would be considered by some to be ‘unorthodox’ subjects. Therefore, the probability is that if he’s allowed to follow his own lead, he will have a very strong desire to get to the truth of the extraterrestrial/UFO phenomenon, putting an end to governmental secrecy/cover-up in this area.
Further, his Moon in the 4th house at a positive aspect to his retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house in addition to his grand trine of planets in water signs, causes him to have a proliferation of empathic, psychic and intuitive abilities which makes him a Healer of the highest magnitude.
Likewise, retrograde Chiron is indicative of the probability that he was a Healer in a past life; and with numerous aspects to other planets, this indication is amplified considerably. Chiron represents wisdom, woundedness and wounded relationships, among many things. With retrograde Chiron in Pisces (spirituality, empathy, healing) in the 1st house, the indication is that he will manifest the essence of the Chiron attributes which will be evident in the way he interacts with others. According to visionary astrologer, Barbara Hand Clow in Chiron, Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets in regard to Chiron in Pisces, “If their energy manifests successfully in the culture, this being is charismatic, unforgettable, and a true leader of consciousness unfoldment.” [bolded italics mine] Again, with his retrograde Chiron at a positive aspect to his Moon in the 4th house (home and family) and his Neptune in the 9th house (ideals, higher education, religion, philosophy, mental journeys), the implication is that it will be easy for him to bring these characteristics and traits into being for himself, as well as for the country.
Chiron in Pisces is representative of someone who wants to help others. The adverse affects of this placement for Chiron, is that he may focus on helping others to the exclusion of all else, at times. This, in turn, could play a significant role in health issues if preventative measures are not taken. However, Pisces also rules healing and compassion, so these people – once they realize their abilities in this area – can be absolutely phenomenally successful. And with his nearly exact retrograde Chiron in Pisces opposition his Pluto in Virgo, the positive transformation of his character will be evident, especially to those who know him well.
Jupiter in Aquarius in addition to his Aquarius Ascendant causes him to be an extremely powerful humanitarian, which he feels compelled to express through helping others. His compulsion to see that justice is served is nearly overwhelming. He not only senses how people feel, what they want and what they need, he knows it. Moreover, he’s bound and determined to see that the changes that need to be made, are made for the good of all (an Aquarian trait).
Aquarius is the sign of the Visionary. These people are brilliant. In fact, they’re often geniuses, quite unconventional, and far head of most of the rest of us. Adding his Visionary qualities to his empathic, psychic and intuitive qualities, as well as his love for his home and family (which to him, includes his country and the world, as well as its citizens) it seems that this man has an exorbitant amount of love to share with the world. He doesn’t like to see people suffer. He really wants to make the changes that he’s talked about.
However, while these are definitely positive qualities, he is by no means perfect, which is demonstrated by other planetary placements which may very well offset the above characteristics to an extent.
Each of us has Saturn placed somewhere in our natal chart. Saturn represents many things, both positive and negative, including structure, discipline, work, restriction, oppression and fear. And depending on what sign Saturn is in, it can either be helpful or excruciatingly painful and destructive, if we don’t monitor the direction of its output. How it affects us individually is also dependent on its aspects to other planets. When Saturn is retrograde, those traits tend to be even more pronounced and, conversely, also often cause feelings of inadequacy and extreme self-deprecation. Yet, no matter how good a person may appear to be, there may be other aspects of his or her character that are not always evident, and which are not always as positive. Often, the placement and sign in which Saturn resides, can provide a clue as to how an individual might be affected by Saturn’s energy.
Positive Saturnine Traits
Barak Obama’s Saturn is retrograde and in Capricorn, the sign ruler for Saturn. While it might seem that with retrograde Saturn in its ruling sign the trait of extreme rigidity and the tendency to be unyielding is a detriment. Yet, what actually happens is that the native is better able to focus on the purpose for which he’s aiming, allowing him to block out any outside distractions. This ability allows him to be single-minded in his quest towards accomplishing his goals and in being diligent in ascertaining their practicality and functionality, by back engineering those goals, so to speak. In other words, a person with this placement often envisions the end of the journey or the ultimate destination first, and then determines the best course of action to reach those goals. With Saturn in the 12th house, he tends to identify with the downtrodden or those who suffer or who are lacking in some way. That is, he is a champion for the underdog.
Challenging Saturnine Traits
We all wish to be liked. But with several planets (especially the Sun) in Leo and retrograde Saturn in Capricorn, this desire is magnified exponentially. Because of these placements the tendency is to do anything possible to create a positive impression on others – even if that impression might be contrary to reality. While this might not seem to be a bad thing when it comes to dealing with the nation as a whole, it could be a problem where wanting to be thought well of by peers or higher ups is concerned. Although Barak Obama is not a ‘yes-man,’ there is the possibility that he could very easily forego what he knows is best for the nation in order to placate The Powers That Be. Because of the push and pull of various political factions, this tendency may cause him to feel at odds with himself and with those he is entrusted to serve should he be approached by those whose intentions are underhanded or nefarious.
Messiah, Too Good to Be True or…?
In spite of the challenging planetary placements, this man seems to possess some wonderful traits. However, is he really the Messiah so many believe him to be? Is he too good to be true, or…something else? Again, as long as we have the correct birth information, the planetary placements in his natal chart should be enough to prove that Barak Obama is who he says he is and is more than capable of following through on his promises. Yet there may be one more ‘proof’ that might help us to determine his sincerity. Once more, looking to President Obama’s astrological natal chart – and especially to the ancient past – we find one placement, in particular, which may be indicative of a past life as a ruler returned to make good on the mistakes he made at that time and is now attempting to rectify.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of my article Barack Obama: Messiah, New World Order Henchman or True Force for Positive Change? to learn more….
And now…Melody
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