Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Fear Factor

by Melody Scott Zindell
I was inspired to give my two cents worth into this subject that Kat has already written some beautiful thoughts on after viewing an excellent interview with Jim Marrs on Project Camelot. Not being naïve to what is going on allows us to make choices with autonomy and freedom, and to say, as Jim Marrs said, “Nah – I don’t think so” when they come at us saying they need more control of our lives in order to help keep us safe.

In astrology, the sign of Scorpio and its ruling planets Mars and Pluto correlate with the archetypes of fear, control and manipulation and evil. We exist in a plane of reality that is dominated by duality, and so the polarity of any archetype is considered with the analysis of astrological archetypes. For more on the duality of the horoscope see my article “Are We Trapped in Duality? Using the horoscope to integrate polarities.” In this case, the polarity of Scorpio is Taurus, which holds with its archetype the notions of security, value and worth (including one’s own), and self-sufficiency. The stronger we are in our sense of knowing what our values are and living by them without dependency on other people, their resources and ideas, the more security we ultimately gain and then the higher strengths of the Scorpio archetype can come into play: The transformation and growth into personal power which can then relate to others and their resources in a cooperative and non controlling-manner.

Remember, no one allows fear into your mind but you!

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